Women Who Pray has made a difference...



Marche Taylor

Women Who Pray  has blessed me in so many ways over the past 15 years. Through being comfortable to express the many heartaches, pain and disappointments in life, to increasing my faith in God, to learning to understand what is something to let go of so you can cleave to  and have room to receive the things that God is trying to bless you with, to truly understanding what a relationship with God is. It has helped me to grow into a "Woman that God can use" for HIS Glory!!


Deaconess Sister Tina Grant

Women Who Pray gave me my first platform to speak in the church. It also gave me a safe space to be myself and relate to other women at the same time. I appreciate that!
Evangelist hood recent photo


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Praise Ye The Lord!!

We Thank You Lord for Comfort, Healing and Restoration!